Quickly Import Flat-File Data into MySQL

Firstly, this assumes that your input is a tab separated file with no quoting of fields. This obviously also implies your data can not have tabs in it. if you have a simple CSV you may have luck replacing the t on line 11 with a , to import CSV files.

Secondly, rather than intelligently trying to guess or ask for data types to create the table this assumes text type, which you can than more quickly convert in mysql into more appropriate fields. Alternatively you can manually create a more appropriate table first and comment out lines 6 and 7.

SOURCE_TAB_SEPARATED_FILE='input_file.tsv'; \
DESTINATION_SQL_FILE='batch_import.sql';  \
BATCH_SIZE=10000; \
INSERT_SIGNATURE='INSERT INTO tmp_batch_insert '; \
#write create table statement using  first line to determine number of columns \
awk -F'\t' 'BEGIN{printf "CREATE TABLE tmp_batch_insert("} { for(i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { printf "f"i" text," } }'|awk '{gsub(/,$/, ");"); print}'> "${DESTINATION_SQL_FILE}" && \
#start writing actual files \
# Replace tabs with: double-quote comma double-quote. \
awk '{gsub(/\t/, "\",\""); print}'  | \
# To beginning of the line add: open-parentheses double-quote. \
awk '{gsub(/^/, "(\""); print}' | \
# To the end of the line add: double-quote closed-parentheses. \
awk '{gsub(/$/, "\")"); print}' | \
# For-each: print the entire line with a comma. Every $BATCH_SIZE line start with the $INSERT_SIGNATURE and use a semicolon instead of a comma. Start the first line with the $INSERT_SIGNATURE. \
awk -v n=${BATCH_SIZE}  'NR % n != 1 && NR % n != 0  {print $0","} ;NR % n == 0 {print $0";"};NR % n == 1 {print "'"${INSERT_SIGNATURE}"' VALUES \n"$0","}' >> "${DESTINATION_SQL_FILE}" && \
# replace trailing comma with a semicolon \

While there are many other ways this can be done, some potentially cleaner, it gets the job done and in a fairly efficient manner with regards to MySQL.